Calming Duck Dog Toy


The Calming Duck Durable Companion

Are you looking for a durable companion for your dog?

Our Calming Duck is designed to keep your dog entertained for hours made with bite-resistant materials, These plush duck toys are durable and long-lasting, with loads of features and benefits this Calming Duck also features a sound function, adding an extra layer of entertainment for all dogs and keeping them engaged and active during playtime.

Trusted By Many Happy Australian Customers

Join Happy Australian Customers who have enjoyed entertaining their dogs by keeping them engaged & occupied for hours with the Calming Duck, its durable material makes this toy the perfect companion for all dogs & puppies.

Benefits Of The Calming Duck

✅ Preventing Separation Anxiety 

✅ Providing Hours Of Entertainment 

✅ Calming Companion 

✅ Dental Health Benefits

✅ Keeping Pets Engaged & Active

✅ Happy Australian Customers

✅ Australian Owned, Operated & Shipped Locally

✅ Risk Free - 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

 The Best Companion You Can Buy 

The Calming Duck is designed to help clean your dogs teeth as they chew, promoting dental health and hygiene while they enjoy their favourite toy. Made with bite-resistant materials, The Calming Duck is durable and long-lasting, standing up to even the most enthusiastic chewers for extended playtimes.

Feel Safe With Our 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Feel safe with a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee-We are Australia’s leading TrendMart AU store, feel free to contact us within 14 days of arrival and receive a FULL REFUND!

Feature includes:

1 x Plush duck chew toy

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